Fastenal Company

76,04 EUR 0,23 (+0,30%)
Bid 76,04 EUR
Ask 76,11 EUR



Fastenal Company ist ein international tätiger Distributor von Industrie- und Baumaterialien. Die Produktpalette umfasst Schraub- und Verbindungselemente, Farben, Schlüssel, Batterien und Drähte. Die verschiedenen Artikel werden in den über 3.200 konzerneigenen Geschäften angeboten. Die Produktpalette des Unternehmens gliedert sich in zwei Hauptkategorien: Schraub- und Verbindungselemente sowie diverses Zubehör. Die Schraub- und Verbindungselemente umfassen Schrauben, Nägel, Bolzen, Scheiben und Muttern, die unter der Marke Fastenal angeboten werden. Dem Bereich diverses Zubehör werden andere Baumaterialien wie Farben, Pins, Schlüssel, Dübel, Batterien, Dichtungsmittel, Drähte, Reinigungsmittel und Anderes zugeordnet. Diese beiden Produktbereiche werden wiederum in unterschiedliche Linien untergliedert. Dazu zählen: Cutting Tools (Schneidwerkzeuge und Schleifgeräte), Tools (Werkzeuge), Hydraulics and Pneumatics (hydraulische und pneumatische Werkzeuge), Material Handling (Produkte für Lagerung und Aufbewahrung), Janitorial Supplies (Produkte für die Gebäudereinigung), Electrical Supplies (elektrische Produkte), Welding Supplies (Schweißprodukte), Safety Supplies (Sicherheitssysteme und -produkte) sowie Raw Materials (Metalle). Zu den Marken des Unternehmens zählen Fastenal®, FastTool®, SharpCut®, EquipRite®, CleanChoice®, PowerPhase® und FastArc®.


endOfFinancialYear: 31.12.2024 00:00
stockholderStructure: Vanguard Group (12.2848%),BlackRock Inc. (8.04604%),State Street Corporation (4.84518%),The Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (4.07129%),GEODE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC (2.56437%),SCHWAB CHARLES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INC (2.40437%),Morgan Stanley (1.66827%),Bank of America Corp. (1.4542%),Baird Financial Group Inc (1.38473%),Principal Financial Group (1.33689%)
sharesOutstanding: 572886495.0000
ceo: Daniel L. Florness
board: Holden Lewis, Charles S. Miller, James C. Jansen, Jeffery M. Watts, John L. Soderberg, Reyne K. Wisecup, Sheryl A. Lisowski, Terry M. Owen, William J. Drazkowski
supervisoryBoard: Scott A Satterlee, Michael J. Ancius, Daniel L. Florness, Daniel L. Johnson, Hsenghung Sam Hsu, Nicholas J. Lundquist, Reyne K. Wisecup, Rita J. Heise, Sarah N. Nielsen, Stephen L. Eastman
countryID: 20
freeFloat: 60.2800
faceValue: 0.0100
faceValueCurrencyID: 4
faceValueCurrency: USD
sectorName: Bau- und Baustoffe
industryName: Industrie
subsectorName: Baustoffe
country: USA
countryName: USA


phone: +1-507-453-8775


street: 2001 Theurer Blvd.
city: Winona, MN. 55987, USA
phone: +1-507-454-5374
fax: +1-507-453-8049

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021 cash: 236.2000
balanceSheetTotal: 4299.0000 liabilities: 1256.8000
shareCapital: 5.8000 totalShareholdersEquity: 3042.2000
sales: 6010.9000 investment: 0.1000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1207.8000 netIncome: 925.0000
cashFlow: -9.5000 employees: 20507
currencyID: 4 units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2022 cash: 230.1000
balanceSheetTotal: 4548.6000 liabilities: 1385.4000
shareCapital: 5.7000 totalShareholdersEquity: 3163.2000
sales: 6980.6000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 1440.0000
netIncome: 1086.9000 cashFlow: -6.1000
currencyID: 4 units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2023 cash: 221.3000
balanceSheetTotal: 4462.9000 liabilities: 1114.1000
shareCapital: 5.7000 totalShareholdersEquity: 3348.8000
sales: 7346.7000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 1522.0000
netIncome: 1155.0000 cashFlow: -8.8000
currencyID: 4 units: 1000000
currency: USD

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021
cash: 236.2000
balanceSheetTotal: 4299.0000
liabilities: 1256.8000
shareCapital: 5.8000
totalShareholdersEquity: 3042.2000
sales: 6010.9000
investment: 0.1000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1207.8000
netIncome: 925.0000
cashFlow: -9.5000
employees: 20507
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2022
cash: 230.1000
balanceSheetTotal: 4548.6000
liabilities: 1385.4000
shareCapital: 5.7000
totalShareholdersEquity: 3163.2000
sales: 6980.6000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1440.0000
netIncome: 1086.9000
cashFlow: -6.1000
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2023
cash: 221.3000
balanceSheetTotal: 4462.9000
liabilities: 1114.1000
shareCapital: 5.7000
totalShareholdersEquity: 3348.8000
sales: 7346.7000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1522.0000
netIncome: 1155.0000
cashFlow: -8.8000
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 4548.6000 cash: 230.1000
currentAssets: 3124.8000 fixedAssets: 1423.8000
liabilities: 789.8000 totalLiabilitiesEquity: 4548.6000
totalShareholdersEquity: 3163.2000 property: 1010.0000
inventories: 1708.0000 accountsReceivable: 1013.2000
accountsPayable: 255.0000 liabilitiesTotal: 1385.4000
longTermDebt: 353.2000 shortTermDebt: 201.8000
commonStock: 5.7000 preferredStock: 0.0000
sales: 6980.6000 depreciation: 176.6000
netIncome: 1086.9000 operatingResult: 1453.6000
incomeInterest: -13.6000 incomeTaxes: 353.1000
costGoodsSold: 3764.8000 grossProfit: 3215.8000
cashFlow: 941.0000 cashFlowInvesting: -163.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -774.9000 cashFlowTotal: -6.1000
accountingStandard: US GAAP equityRatio: 69.5423
debtEquityRatio: 0.1755 liquidityI: 0.2913
liquidityII: 1.5742 netMargin: 15.5703
grossMargin: 46.0677 cashFlowMargin: 13.4802
ebitMargin: 20.8234 ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 45.5235 preTaxROA: 31.6581
roe: 34.3608 roa: 23.8953
netIncomeGrowth: 17.5027 revenuesGrowth: 16.1324
taxExpenseRate: 24.5208 equityTurnover: 2.2068
epsBasic: 1.8900 epsDiluted: 1.8900
epsBasicGrowth: 17.3913 shareCapital: 5.7000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1440.0000 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 25.0370
priceCashFlowRatio: 28.7055 dividendYield: 2.6205
bookValuePerShare: 5.5414 marketCap: 27011845242.2000
earningsYield: 3.9941 pegRatio: 1.4396
cashFlowPerShare: 1.6485 priceBookValueRatio: 8.5394
dividendsPerShare: 1.2400 priceEarningsRatio: 24.8522
netEarningsPerShare: 1.9041 currency: USD
year: 2023 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 4462.9000 cash: 221.3000
currentAssets: 3020.9000 fixedAssets: 1442.0000
liabilities: 661.3000 totalLiabilitiesEquity: 4462.9000
totalShareholdersEquity: 3348.8000 property: 1011.1000
inventories: 1522.7000 accountsReceivable: 1087.6000
accountsPayable: 264.1000 liabilitiesTotal: 1114.1000
longTermDebt: 200.0000 shortTermDebt: 60.0000
commonStock: 5.7000 preferredStock: 0.0000
sales: 7346.7000 depreciation: 177.3000
netIncome: 1155.0000 operatingResult: 1528.7000
incomeInterest: -6.7000 incomeTaxes: 367.0000
costGoodsSold: 3992.2000 grossProfit: 3354.5000
cashFlow: 1432.7000 cashFlowInvesting: -161.2000
cashFlowFinancing: -1281.7000 cashFlowTotal: -8.8000
accountingStandard: US GAAP equityRatio: 75.0364
debtEquityRatio: 0.0776 liquidityI: 0.3346
liquidityII: 1.9793 netMargin: 15.7213
grossMargin: 45.6600 cashFlowMargin: 19.5013
ebitMargin: 20.8080 ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 45.4491 preTaxROA: 34.1034
roe: 34.4900 roa: 25.8800
netIncomeGrowth: 6.2655 revenuesGrowth: 5.2445
taxExpenseRate: 24.1130 equityTurnover: 2.1938
epsBasic: 2.0200 epsDiluted: 2.0200
epsBasicGrowth: 6.8783 shareCapital: 5.7000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1522.0000 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 32.0644
priceCashFlowRatio: 25.8697 dividendYield: 2.7482
bookValuePerShare: 5.8522 marketCap: 37063515541.3500
earningsYield: 3.1187 pegRatio: 4.6617
cashFlowPerShare: 2.5037 priceBookValueRatio: 11.0677
dividendsPerShare: 1.7800 priceEarningsRatio: 32.0896
netEarningsPerShare: 2.0184 currency: USD
year: 2024 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 39.4554
priceCashFlowRatio: 31.8329 dividendYield: 2.2334
bookValuePerShare: 5.8522 marketCap: 45659053651.5000
earningsYield: 2.5345 pegRatio: 5.7362
cashFlowPerShare: 2.5037 netAssetsPerShare: 5.8522
priceBookValueRatio: 13.6189 priceEarningsRatio: 39.4865
netEarningsPerShare: 2.0184 currency: USD

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 4548.6000
cash: 230.1000
currentAssets: 3124.8000
fixedAssets: 1423.8000
liabilities: 789.8000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 4548.6000
totalShareholdersEquity: 3163.2000
property: 1010.0000
inventories: 1708.0000
accountsReceivable: 1013.2000
accountsPayable: 255.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 1385.4000
longTermDebt: 353.2000
shortTermDebt: 201.8000
commonStock: 5.7000
preferredStock: 0.0000
sales: 6980.6000
depreciation: 176.6000
netIncome: 1086.9000
operatingResult: 1453.6000
incomeInterest: -13.6000
incomeTaxes: 353.1000
costGoodsSold: 3764.8000
grossProfit: 3215.8000
cashFlow: 941.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -163.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -774.9000
cashFlowTotal: -6.1000
accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 69.5423
debtEquityRatio: 0.1755
liquidityI: 0.2913
liquidityII: 1.5742
netMargin: 15.5703
grossMargin: 46.0677
cashFlowMargin: 13.4802
ebitMargin: 20.8234
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 45.5235
preTaxROA: 31.6581
roe: 34.3608
roa: 23.8953
netIncomeGrowth: 17.5027
revenuesGrowth: 16.1324
taxExpenseRate: 24.5208
equityTurnover: 2.2068
epsBasic: 1.8900
epsDiluted: 1.8900
epsBasicGrowth: 17.3913
shareCapital: 5.7000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1440.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 25.0370
priceCashFlowRatio: 28.7055
dividendYield: 2.6205
bookValuePerShare: 5.5414
marketCap: 27011845242.2000
earningsYield: 3.9941
pegRatio: 1.4396
cashFlowPerShare: 1.6485
priceBookValueRatio: 8.5394
dividendsPerShare: 1.2400
priceEarningsRatio: 24.8522
netEarningsPerShare: 1.9041
currency: USD
year: 2023
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 4462.9000
cash: 221.3000
currentAssets: 3020.9000
fixedAssets: 1442.0000
liabilities: 661.3000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 4462.9000
totalShareholdersEquity: 3348.8000
property: 1011.1000
inventories: 1522.7000
accountsReceivable: 1087.6000
accountsPayable: 264.1000
liabilitiesTotal: 1114.1000
longTermDebt: 200.0000
shortTermDebt: 60.0000
commonStock: 5.7000
preferredStock: 0.0000
sales: 7346.7000
depreciation: 177.3000
netIncome: 1155.0000
operatingResult: 1528.7000
incomeInterest: -6.7000
incomeTaxes: 367.0000
costGoodsSold: 3992.2000
grossProfit: 3354.5000
cashFlow: 1432.7000
cashFlowInvesting: -161.2000
cashFlowFinancing: -1281.7000
cashFlowTotal: -8.8000
accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 75.0364
debtEquityRatio: 0.0776
liquidityI: 0.3346
liquidityII: 1.9793
netMargin: 15.7213
grossMargin: 45.6600
cashFlowMargin: 19.5013
ebitMargin: 20.8080
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 45.4491
preTaxROA: 34.1034
roe: 34.4900
roa: 25.8800
netIncomeGrowth: 6.2655
revenuesGrowth: 5.2445
taxExpenseRate: 24.1130
equityTurnover: 2.1938
epsBasic: 2.0200
epsDiluted: 2.0200
epsBasicGrowth: 6.8783
shareCapital: 5.7000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1522.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 32.0644
priceCashFlowRatio: 25.8697
dividendYield: 2.7482
bookValuePerShare: 5.8522
marketCap: 37063515541.3500
earningsYield: 3.1187
pegRatio: 4.6617
cashFlowPerShare: 2.5037
priceBookValueRatio: 11.0677
dividendsPerShare: 1.7800
priceEarningsRatio: 32.0896
netEarningsPerShare: 2.0184
currency: USD
year: 2024
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 39.4554
priceCashFlowRatio: 31.8329
dividendYield: 2.2334
bookValuePerShare: 5.8522
marketCap: 45659053651.5000
earningsYield: 2.5345
pegRatio: 5.7362
cashFlowPerShare: 2.5037
netAssetsPerShare: 5.8522
priceBookValueRatio: 13.6189
priceEarningsRatio: 39.4865
netEarningsPerShare: 2.0184
currency: USD