Bid 22,72 EUR
Ask 22,78 EUR



Die Dürr AG ist einer der weltweit führenden Anlagen- und Maschinenbaukonzerne. Produkte, Systeme und Services von Dürr ermöglichen hocheffiziente Fertigungsprozesse in unterschiedlichen Industrien. Der Großteil des Umsatzes entfällt auf das Geschäft mit Automobilherstellern und -zulieferern. Weitere Abnehmerbranchen sind zum Beispiel der Maschinenbau, die Chemie- und Pharmaindustrie und – seit der Übernahme der HOMAG Group AG im Oktober 2014 – die holzbearbeitende Industrie. Dürr verfügt über 92 Standorte in 28 Ländern. Der Konzern agiert mit fünf Divisions am Markt: Paint and Final Assembly Systems (Lackierereien und Endmontagewerke für die Automobilindustrie), Application Technology (Robotertechnologien für den automatischen Auftrag von Lack sowie Dicht- und Klebstoffen), Measuring and Process Systems (Auswucht- und Reinigungsanlagen sowie Montage-, Prüf- und Befülltechnik), Clean Technology Systems (Abluftreinigungsanlagen und Energieeffizienztechnik) sowie Woodworking Machinery and Systems (Maschinen und Anlagen für die holzbearbeitende Industrie).


endOfFinancialYear: 31.12.2022 01:00
stockholderStructure: Heinz Dürr GmbH, Berlin (26.2%),Heinz und Heide Dürr Stiftung, Berlin (3.5%),Candriam Luxembourg (3.05%),Harris Associates (3.02%),Members of Dürr AG’s Supervisory Board (0.12%),Members of Dürr AG’s Board of Management (0.07%)
sharesOutstanding: 69202000.0000
ceo: Dr. Jochen Weyrauch
board: Dietmar Heinrich
supervisoryBoard: Gerhard Federer, Hayo Raich, Arndt Zinnhardt, Carmen Hettich-Günther, Dr. Anja Schuler, Dr. Astrid Ziegler, Dr. Martin Schwarz-Kocher, Dr. Rolf Breidenbach, Mirko Becker, Prof. Dr. Alexandra Dürr, Thomas Hohmann, Dr. Markus Kerber
countryID: 2
freeFloat: 66.8000
faceValue: 2.5600
faceValueCurrencyID: 1
faceValueCurrency: EUR
sectorName: Maschinenbau
industryName: Industrie
country: Deutschland
countryName: Deutschland


name: Andreas Schaller
phone: +49-7142-78-1785
email: investor.relations@durr.com
irWebSite: https://www.durr-group.com/en/investor-relations/overview


street: Carl-Benz-Straße 34
city: D-74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen
phone: +49-7142-78-0
fax: +49-7142-78-1716
webSite: www.durr.com
email: info@durr.com

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021 cash: 583.1000
balanceSheetTotal: 4153.6000 liabilities: 3148.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1005.6000 sales: 3536.7000
investment: 8.2000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 132.6000
netIncome: 83.0000 cashFlow: -186.2000
employees: 17802 currencyID: 1
units: 1000000 currency: EUR
year: 2022 cash: 716.1000
balanceSheetTotal: 4530.9500 liabilities: 3406.7700
totalShareholdersEquity: 1118.6500 sales: 4314.0700
investment: 11.4900 incomeBeforeTaxes: 188.1100
netIncome: 131.0300 employees: 18514
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2023 cash: 1037.1300
balanceSheetTotal: 5155.9800 liabilities: 3979.0100
totalShareholdersEquity: 1169.8900 sales: 4627.3300
investment: 33.0900 incomeBeforeTaxes: 171.2700
netIncome: 111.9800 employees: 20597
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021
cash: 583.1000
balanceSheetTotal: 4153.6000
liabilities: 3148.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1005.6000
sales: 3536.7000
investment: 8.2000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 132.6000
netIncome: 83.0000
cashFlow: -186.2000
employees: 17802
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2022
cash: 716.1000
balanceSheetTotal: 4530.9500
liabilities: 3406.7700
totalShareholdersEquity: 1118.6500
sales: 4314.0700
investment: 11.4900
incomeBeforeTaxes: 188.1100
netIncome: 131.0300
employees: 18514
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2023
cash: 1037.1300
balanceSheetTotal: 5155.9800
liabilities: 3979.0100
totalShareholdersEquity: 1169.8900
sales: 4627.3300
investment: 33.0900
incomeBeforeTaxes: 171.2700
netIncome: 111.9800
employees: 20597
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 4530.9500 cash: 716.1000
currentAssets: 3048.6500 fixedAssets: 1482.3000
liabilities: 2448.9100 nonCurrentLiabilities: 957.8700
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 4530.9500 provisions: 173.5900
totalShareholdersEquity: 1118.6500 employees: 18514
property: 588.5300 intangibleAssets: 212.4900
longTermInvestments: 17.7100 inventories: 852.5400
accountsReceivable: 594.1800 accountsPayable: 606.1500
liabilitiesTotal: 3406.7700 minorityInterests: 5.5200
sales: 4314.0700 netIncome: 131.0300
operatingResult: 205.9000 incomeInterest: -19.1300
investments: 136.4700 incomeTaxes: 53.8500
costGoodsSold: 3375.3300 grossProfit: 938.7300
minorityInterestsProfit: -3.2300 revenuePerEmployee: 233016.6361
cashFlow: 264.7000 cashFlowInvesting: 13.2800
cashFlowFinancing: -141.3300 accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 24.6891 debtEquityRatio: 305.0373
liquidityI: 29.2416 liquidityII: 53.5046
netMargin: 3.0373 grossMargin: 21.7597
cashFlowMargin: 6.1357 ebitMargin: 4.7728
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: 16.8158
preTaxROA: 4.1517 roe: 11.7132
roa: 2.8919 netIncomeGrowth: 57.8675
revenuesGrowth: 21.9801 taxExpenseRate: 28.6269
equityTurnover: 3.8565 epsBasic: 1.8900
epsBasicGrowth: 57.5000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 188.1100
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 16.6772 priceCashFlowRatio: 8.2405
dividendYield: 2.2208 bookValuePerShare: 16.1650
marketCap: 2181249561.6000 earningsYield: 5.9962
pegRatio: 0.2900 cashFlowPerShare: 3.8250
netAssetsPerShare: 16.2447 priceBookValueRatio: 1.9499
dividendsPerShare: 0.7000 priceEarningsRatio: 16.6469
netEarningsPerShare: 1.8934 currency: EUR
year: 2023 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 5155.9800 cash: 1037.1300
currentAssets: 3239.7300 fixedAssets: 1916.2500
liabilities: 2753.7100 nonCurrentLiabilities: 1225.3000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 5155.9800 provisions: 312.1500
totalShareholdersEquity: 1169.8900 employees: 20597
property: 655.1600 intangibleAssets: 358.7600
inventories: 781.4200 accountsReceivable: 598.6500
accountsPayable: 598.9800 liabilitiesTotal: 3979.0100
longTermDebt: 953.1800 shortTermDebt: 104.8500
minorityInterests: 7.0700 sales: 4627.3300
netIncome: 111.9800 operatingResult: 191.4400
incomeInterest: -24.7900 investments: 151.3700
incomeTaxes: 61.0500 costGoodsSold: 3622.2200
grossProfit: 1005.1100 minorityInterestsProfit: -1.7600
revenuePerEmployee: 224660.3874 cashFlow: 287.4900
cashFlowInvesting: -256.5800 cashFlowFinancing: 301.6800
accountingStandard: IFRS equityRatio: 22.6900
debtEquityRatio: 340.7235 liquidityI: 37.6630
liquidityII: 59.4028 netMargin: 2.4200
grossMargin: 21.7212 cashFlowMargin: 6.2129
ebitMargin: 4.1372 ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 14.6398 preTaxROA: 3.3218
roe: 9.5718 roa: 2.1718
netIncomeGrowth: -14.5387 revenuesGrowth: 7.2614
taxExpenseRate: 35.6455 equityTurnover: 3.9554
epsBasic: 1.6200 epsBasicGrowth: -14.2857
incomeBeforeTaxes: 171.2700 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 13.2346
priceCashFlowRatio: 5.1608 dividendYield: 3.2649
bookValuePerShare: 16.9054 marketCap: 1483692595.2000
earningsYield: 7.5560 pegRatio: -0.9264
cashFlowPerShare: 4.1544 netAssetsPerShare: 17.0076
priceBookValueRatio: 1.2682 dividendsPerShare: 0.7000
priceEarningsRatio: 13.2496 netEarningsPerShare: 1.6182
currency: EUR
year: 2024 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 14.1111
priceCashFlowRatio: 5.5027 dividendYield: 3.0621
bookValuePerShare: 16.9054 marketCap: 1581959548.8000
earningsYield: 7.0866 pegRatio: -0.9878
cashFlowPerShare: 4.1544 netAssetsPerShare: 16.9054
priceBookValueRatio: 1.3522 priceEarningsRatio: 14.1272
netEarningsPerShare: 1.6182 currency: EUR

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 4530.9500
cash: 716.1000
currentAssets: 3048.6500
fixedAssets: 1482.3000
liabilities: 2448.9100
nonCurrentLiabilities: 957.8700
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 4530.9500
provisions: 173.5900
totalShareholdersEquity: 1118.6500
employees: 18514
property: 588.5300
intangibleAssets: 212.4900
longTermInvestments: 17.7100
inventories: 852.5400
accountsReceivable: 594.1800
accountsPayable: 606.1500
liabilitiesTotal: 3406.7700
minorityInterests: 5.5200
sales: 4314.0700
netIncome: 131.0300
operatingResult: 205.9000
incomeInterest: -19.1300
investments: 136.4700
incomeTaxes: 53.8500
costGoodsSold: 3375.3300
grossProfit: 938.7300
minorityInterestsProfit: -3.2300
revenuePerEmployee: 233016.6361
cashFlow: 264.7000
cashFlowInvesting: 13.2800
cashFlowFinancing: -141.3300
accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 24.6891
debtEquityRatio: 305.0373
liquidityI: 29.2416
liquidityII: 53.5046
netMargin: 3.0373
grossMargin: 21.7597
cashFlowMargin: 6.1357
ebitMargin: 4.7728
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 16.8158
preTaxROA: 4.1517
roe: 11.7132
roa: 2.8919
netIncomeGrowth: 57.8675
revenuesGrowth: 21.9801
taxExpenseRate: 28.6269
equityTurnover: 3.8565
epsBasic: 1.8900
epsBasicGrowth: 57.5000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 188.1100
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 16.6772
priceCashFlowRatio: 8.2405
dividendYield: 2.2208
bookValuePerShare: 16.1650
marketCap: 2181249561.6000
earningsYield: 5.9962
pegRatio: 0.2900
cashFlowPerShare: 3.8250
netAssetsPerShare: 16.2447
priceBookValueRatio: 1.9499
dividendsPerShare: 0.7000
priceEarningsRatio: 16.6469
netEarningsPerShare: 1.8934
currency: EUR
year: 2023
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 5155.9800
cash: 1037.1300
currentAssets: 3239.7300
fixedAssets: 1916.2500
liabilities: 2753.7100
nonCurrentLiabilities: 1225.3000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 5155.9800
provisions: 312.1500
totalShareholdersEquity: 1169.8900
employees: 20597
property: 655.1600
intangibleAssets: 358.7600
inventories: 781.4200
accountsReceivable: 598.6500
accountsPayable: 598.9800
liabilitiesTotal: 3979.0100
longTermDebt: 953.1800
shortTermDebt: 104.8500
minorityInterests: 7.0700
sales: 4627.3300
netIncome: 111.9800
operatingResult: 191.4400
incomeInterest: -24.7900
investments: 151.3700
incomeTaxes: 61.0500
costGoodsSold: 3622.2200
grossProfit: 1005.1100
minorityInterestsProfit: -1.7600
revenuePerEmployee: 224660.3874
cashFlow: 287.4900
cashFlowInvesting: -256.5800
cashFlowFinancing: 301.6800
accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 22.6900
debtEquityRatio: 340.7235
liquidityI: 37.6630
liquidityII: 59.4028
netMargin: 2.4200
grossMargin: 21.7212
cashFlowMargin: 6.2129
ebitMargin: 4.1372
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 14.6398
preTaxROA: 3.3218
roe: 9.5718
roa: 2.1718
netIncomeGrowth: -14.5387
revenuesGrowth: 7.2614
taxExpenseRate: 35.6455
equityTurnover: 3.9554
epsBasic: 1.6200
epsBasicGrowth: -14.2857
incomeBeforeTaxes: 171.2700
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 13.2346
priceCashFlowRatio: 5.1608
dividendYield: 3.2649
bookValuePerShare: 16.9054
marketCap: 1483692595.2000
earningsYield: 7.5560
pegRatio: -0.9264
cashFlowPerShare: 4.1544
netAssetsPerShare: 17.0076
priceBookValueRatio: 1.2682
dividendsPerShare: 0.7000
priceEarningsRatio: 13.2496
netEarningsPerShare: 1.6182
currency: EUR
year: 2024
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 14.1111
priceCashFlowRatio: 5.5027
dividendYield: 3.0621
bookValuePerShare: 16.9054
marketCap: 1581959548.8000
earningsYield: 7.0866
pegRatio: -0.9878
cashFlowPerShare: 4.1544
netAssetsPerShare: 16.9054
priceBookValueRatio: 1.3522
priceEarningsRatio: 14.1272
netEarningsPerShare: 1.6182
currency: EUR