

Die Encavis AG (ehemals Capital Stage AG) ist als Stromanbieter vornehmlich im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien tätig. Das Unternehmen erwirbt und betreibt Solarkraftwerke und (Onshore-)Windparks in Deutschland sowie in weiteren europäischen Ländern. Innerhalb der Encavis-Gruppe ist die Encavis Asset Management AG auf den Bereich Institutioneller Anleger spezialisiert. Mit der Encavis Technical Services GmbH verfügt die Encavis-Gruppe zudem über eine Service-Einheit für die technische Betriebsführung von Solarparks. Die Encavis AG entstand 2018 durch den Zusammenschluss der Capital Stage AG mit der CHORUS Clean Energy AG.


endOfFinancialYear: 31.12.2022 01:00
stockholderStructure: Bank of America Corporation (4.7%),Morgan Stanley (4.3%),The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (4%),BlackRock, Inc. (3.6%),UBS Group AG (3.6%),BayernInvest KVG mbH (3.5%),Lobelia Beteiligungsgesellschaft/Kreke Immobilien KG (3%),DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main (2.7%),Invesco Ltd. (incl. Invesco ETF Trust II) (2.6%),iShares Trust (1.5%),iShares II plc (0.8%),Management of Encavis AG (0.1%)
sharesOutstanding: 161722524.0000
board: Dr. Christoph Husmann, Mario Schirru
supervisoryBoard: Dr. Rolf Martin Schmitz, Dr. Manfred Krüper, Albert Büll, Christine Scheel, Dr. Marcus Schenck, Isabella Pfaller,, Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt, Thorsten Testorp, Dr. Henning Kreke
countryID: 2
freeFloat: 22.9000
faceValue: 1.0000
faceValueCurrencyID: 1
faceValueCurrency: EUR
sectorName: Energieversorger
industryName: Energie und Versorger
subsectorName: Energieversorger
country: Deutschland
countryName: Deutschland


name: Jörg Peters
phone: +49-40-378562-242


street: Große Elbstraße 45
city: D-22767 Hamburg
phone: +49-40-378562-0
fax: +49-40-378562-129

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021 cash: 394.2000
balanceSheetTotal: 3215.9000 liabilities: 2149.5000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1066.4000 sales: 332.7000
bankLoans: 280.2000 investment: 21.7000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 83.1000 netIncome: 75.3000
cashFlow: 225.0000 employees: 142
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2022 cash: 289.5000
balanceSheetTotal: 3405.5000 liabilities: 2448.7000
totalShareholdersEquity: 705.8000 sales: 487.3000
investment: 40.7000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 116.5000
netIncome: -74.7000 employees: 193
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2023 cash: 308.9900
balanceSheetTotal: 3573.5500 liabilities: 2386.6200
totalShareholdersEquity: 933.7200 sales: 469.6300
investment: 35.6000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 91.5700
netIncome: 226.7000 employees: 368
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021
cash: 394.2000
balanceSheetTotal: 3215.9000
liabilities: 2149.5000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1066.4000
sales: 332.7000
bankLoans: 280.2000
investment: 21.7000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 83.1000
netIncome: 75.3000
cashFlow: 225.0000
employees: 142
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2022
cash: 289.5000
balanceSheetTotal: 3405.5000
liabilities: 2448.7000
totalShareholdersEquity: 705.8000
sales: 487.3000
investment: 40.7000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 116.5000
netIncome: -74.7000
employees: 193
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2023
cash: 308.9900
balanceSheetTotal: 3573.5500
liabilities: 2386.6200
totalShareholdersEquity: 933.7200
sales: 469.6300
investment: 35.6000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 91.5700
netIncome: 226.7000
employees: 368
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 3405.5000 cash: 289.5000
currentAssets: 450.0000 fixedAssets: 2955.5000
liabilities: 555.1000 nonCurrentLiabilities: 1893.6000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 3405.5000 provisions: 213.8000
totalShareholdersEquity: 705.8000 employees: 193
property: 2305.0000 intangibleAssets: 446.9000
longTermInvestments: 10.4000 inventories: 5.6000
accountsReceivable: 69.8000 accountsPayable: 37.2000
liabilitiesTotal: 2448.7000 longTermDebt: 1653.0000
shortTermDebt: 441.9000 minorityInterests: 251.0000
sales: 487.3000 depreciation: 152.6000
netIncome: -74.7000 operatingResult: 161.9000
incomeInterest: -44.8000 incomeTaxes: 32.9000
costGoodsSold: 37.0000 grossProfit: 450.3000
minorityInterestsProfit: -5.0000 revenuePerEmployee: 2524870.4663
cashFlow: 327.2000 cashFlowInvesting: -297.6000
cashFlowFinancing: -135.0000 accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 20.7253 debtEquityRatio: 382.5021
liquidityI: 52.1528 liquidityII: 64.7271
netMargin: -15.3294 grossMargin: 92.4071
cashFlowMargin: 67.1455 ebitMargin: 33.2239
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: 16.5061
preTaxROA: 3.4209 roe: -10.5837
roa: -2.1935 netIncomeGrowth: -199.2032
revenuesGrowth: 46.4683 taxExpenseRate: 28.2403
equityTurnover: 0.6904 epsBasic: 0.4900
epsBasicGrowth: -5.7692 incomeBeforeTaxes: 116.5000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 38.5000 priceCashFlowRatio: 9.0794
bookValuePerShare: 4.3905 marketCap: 2970782781.1200
earningsYield: 2.5974 pegRatio: -5.0050
cashFlowPerShare: 2.0354 netAssetsPerShare: 5.9519
priceBookValueRatio: 4.2091 netEarningsPerShare: -0.4647
currency: EUR
year: 2023 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 3573.5500 cash: 308.9900
currentAssets: 539.2000 fixedAssets: 3034.3500
liabilities: 515.0500 nonCurrentLiabilities: 1871.5700
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 3573.5500 provisions: 212.0200
totalShareholdersEquity: 933.7200 employees: 368
property: 2431.2100 intangibleAssets: 429.6000
longTermInvestments: 18.9900 inventories: 5.3100
accountsReceivable: 76.6100 accountsPayable: 32.0600
liabilitiesTotal: 2386.6200 longTermDebt: 1441.2000
shortTermDebt: 399.6200 minorityInterests: 7.0100
sales: 469.6300 depreciation: 164.1100
netIncome: 226.7000 operatingResult: 163.0600
incomeInterest: -70.5700 incomeTaxes: 32.8500
minorityInterestsProfit: 0.6900 revenuePerEmployee: 1276168.4783
cashFlow: 234.8700 cashFlowInvesting: -205.3800
cashFlowFinancing: -9.9600 accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 26.1286 debtEquityRatio: 282.7218
liquidityI: 59.9922 liquidityII: 74.8665
netMargin: 48.2720 cashFlowMargin: 50.0117
ebitMargin: 34.7210 ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 9.8070 preTaxROA: 2.5624
roe: 24.2792 roa: 6.3438
revenuesGrowth: -3.6261 taxExpenseRate: 35.8742
equityTurnover: 0.5030 epsBasic: 0.3300
epsBasicGrowth: -32.6531 incomeBeforeTaxes: 91.5700
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 47.2424 priceCashFlowRatio: 10.6887
bookValuePerShare: 5.7984 marketCap: 2510460443.8400
earningsYield: 2.1167 pegRatio: -1.5118
cashFlowPerShare: 1.4585 netAssetsPerShare: 5.8419
priceBookValueRatio: 2.6887 priceEarningsRatio: 11.0739
netEarningsPerShare: 1.4078 currency: EUR
year: 2024 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 52.7576
priceCashFlowRatio: 11.9365 bookValuePerShare: 5.7984
marketCap: 2803535364.1600 earningsYield: 1.8955
pegRatio: -1.6157 cashFlowPerShare: 1.4585
netAssetsPerShare: 5.7984 priceBookValueRatio: 3.0025
priceEarningsRatio: 12.3667 netEarningsPerShare: 1.4078
currency: EUR

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 3405.5000
cash: 289.5000
currentAssets: 450.0000
fixedAssets: 2955.5000
liabilities: 555.1000
nonCurrentLiabilities: 1893.6000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 3405.5000
provisions: 213.8000
totalShareholdersEquity: 705.8000
employees: 193
property: 2305.0000
intangibleAssets: 446.9000
longTermInvestments: 10.4000
inventories: 5.6000
accountsReceivable: 69.8000
accountsPayable: 37.2000
liabilitiesTotal: 2448.7000
longTermDebt: 1653.0000
shortTermDebt: 441.9000
minorityInterests: 251.0000
sales: 487.3000
depreciation: 152.6000
netIncome: -74.7000
operatingResult: 161.9000
incomeInterest: -44.8000
incomeTaxes: 32.9000
costGoodsSold: 37.0000
grossProfit: 450.3000
minorityInterestsProfit: -5.0000
revenuePerEmployee: 2524870.4663
cashFlow: 327.2000
cashFlowInvesting: -297.6000
cashFlowFinancing: -135.0000
accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 20.7253
debtEquityRatio: 382.5021
liquidityI: 52.1528
liquidityII: 64.7271
netMargin: -15.3294
grossMargin: 92.4071
cashFlowMargin: 67.1455
ebitMargin: 33.2239
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 16.5061
preTaxROA: 3.4209
roe: -10.5837
roa: -2.1935
netIncomeGrowth: -199.2032
revenuesGrowth: 46.4683
taxExpenseRate: 28.2403
equityTurnover: 0.6904
epsBasic: 0.4900
epsBasicGrowth: -5.7692
incomeBeforeTaxes: 116.5000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 38.5000
priceCashFlowRatio: 9.0794
bookValuePerShare: 4.3905
marketCap: 2970782781.1200
earningsYield: 2.5974
pegRatio: -5.0050
cashFlowPerShare: 2.0354
netAssetsPerShare: 5.9519
priceBookValueRatio: 4.2091
netEarningsPerShare: -0.4647
currency: EUR
year: 2023
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 3573.5500
cash: 308.9900
currentAssets: 539.2000
fixedAssets: 3034.3500
liabilities: 515.0500
nonCurrentLiabilities: 1871.5700
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 3573.5500
provisions: 212.0200
totalShareholdersEquity: 933.7200
employees: 368
property: 2431.2100
intangibleAssets: 429.6000
longTermInvestments: 18.9900
inventories: 5.3100
accountsReceivable: 76.6100
accountsPayable: 32.0600
liabilitiesTotal: 2386.6200
longTermDebt: 1441.2000
shortTermDebt: 399.6200
minorityInterests: 7.0100
sales: 469.6300
depreciation: 164.1100
netIncome: 226.7000
operatingResult: 163.0600
incomeInterest: -70.5700
incomeTaxes: 32.8500
minorityInterestsProfit: 0.6900
revenuePerEmployee: 1276168.4783
cashFlow: 234.8700
cashFlowInvesting: -205.3800
cashFlowFinancing: -9.9600
accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 26.1286
debtEquityRatio: 282.7218
liquidityI: 59.9922
liquidityII: 74.8665
netMargin: 48.2720
cashFlowMargin: 50.0117
ebitMargin: 34.7210
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 9.8070
preTaxROA: 2.5624
roe: 24.2792
roa: 6.3438
revenuesGrowth: -3.6261
taxExpenseRate: 35.8742
equityTurnover: 0.5030
epsBasic: 0.3300
epsBasicGrowth: -32.6531
incomeBeforeTaxes: 91.5700
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 47.2424
priceCashFlowRatio: 10.6887
bookValuePerShare: 5.7984
marketCap: 2510460443.8400
earningsYield: 2.1167
pegRatio: -1.5118
cashFlowPerShare: 1.4585
netAssetsPerShare: 5.8419
priceBookValueRatio: 2.6887
priceEarningsRatio: 11.0739
netEarningsPerShare: 1.4078
currency: EUR
year: 2024
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 52.7576
priceCashFlowRatio: 11.9365
bookValuePerShare: 5.7984
marketCap: 2803535364.1600
earningsYield: 1.8955
pegRatio: -1.6157
cashFlowPerShare: 1.4585
netAssetsPerShare: 5.7984
priceBookValueRatio: 3.0025
priceEarningsRatio: 12.3667
netEarningsPerShare: 1.4078
currency: EUR