ams AG

1,30 EUR 0,15 (+13,09%)
Bid 1,30 EUR
Ask 1,31 EUR



Die ams-OSRAM AG ist in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von hochleistungsfähigen Sensorlösungen, Sensor-ICs, Schnittstellen und der dazugehörigen Software tätig. Die Kernkompetenz des Halbleiterherstellers sind Standardprodukte und kundenspezifische Lösungen wie unter anderem Power Management-ICs, Sensoren und Sensorschnittstellen, 3D-Sensorik, optischer und Spektralsensorik, Wireless-ICs, tragbare Audiosysteme wie auch Automobilzugangssysteme. Diese werden bei der Fertigung von Produkten, die höchste Präzision, Sensibilität und Exaktheit, optimale Funktionalität und minimalen Stromverbrauch erfordern, wie beispielsweise MP3 Player, MEMS-Mikrofone, automobile Sicherheitssysteme, elektrische Stromzähler, industrielle Sensorschnittstellen, Mobiltelefone und Smartphones, GPS-Empfänger, Herzschrittmacher sowie Wegfahrsperren mit Funkschlüssel und Keyless-Go-Systeme verwendet. Darüber hinaus bietet das Unternehmen mit seinen Aktivitäten als Full Service Foundry mit eigenen Produktions- und Testanlagen weltweit Auftragsfertigung an. Der Kundenkreis des Konzerns umfasst unter anderem die Marktsektoren Consumer, Industrie, Medizintechnik, Mobilkommunikation und Automotive. Die ams AG hat ihren Hauptsitz in Premstätten, Österreich und unterhält Produktions- und Entwicklungsstandorte weltweit. Über seine Vertriebsniederlassungen und Vertriebspartnern ist der Konzern global präsent.


endOfFinancialYear: 31.12.2022 02:00
stockholderStructure: Freefloat (65.89%),Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (7.28%),Aktionärsgruppe Temasek Holdings Private Limited and others und Esta Investment Pte. und Orchid Investments Pte. Ltd (5.4%),eigene Aktien (3.17%),BlackRock (3.06%),Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH (2.84%),T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (2.84%),Renaissance Technologies LLC ("RenTec") (2.71%),Schroders plc, London, UK (2.63%),Allianz SE - Allianz Global, Allianz Invest und Investitori SGR (2.36%),Norges Bank (the Central Bank of Norway (1.82%)
sharesOutstanding: 998443940.0000
ceo: Aldo Kamper
board: Rainer Irle, Mark Hamersma, Thomas Stockmeier
supervisoryBoard: Andreas Pein, Brian Krzanich, Brigitte Ederer, DI Guido Klestil, Dr. Margarete Haase, Dr. Monika Henzinger, Günter Kneffel, Hans-Jörg Kaltenbrunner, Kin Wah Loh, Michael Grimm, Patrick Reinisch, Sabine Radesey, Yen Yen Tan
countryID: 1
freeFloat: 65.8900
faceValueCurrencyID: 1
faceValueCurrency: EUR
sectorName: Diverse
industryName: Konsumgüter
subsectorName: Other
country: Österreich
countryName: Österreich


name: Moritz M. Gmeiner
phone: +43-3136-500-31211
fax: +43-3136-500-931235


street: Tobelbader Straße 30
city: A-8141 Premstaetten
phone: +43-3136-500-0
fax: +43-3136-52501

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021 cash: 1331.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 9644.0000 liabilities: 6494.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 3150.0000 sales: 5038.0000
bankLoans: 197.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: -1.0000
netIncome: -31.0000 cashFlow: -269.0000
employees: 26130 currencyID: 1
units: 1000000 currency: EUR
year: 2022 cash: 1087.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 8832.0000 liabilities: 5998.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 2826.0000 sales: 4819.0000
investment: 25.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: -361.0000
netIncome: -444.0000 employees: 23322
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2023 cash: 1146.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 7401.0000 liabilities: 5497.0000
shareCapital: 998.0000 totalShareholdersEquity: 1899.0000
sales: 3590.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: -1601.0000
netIncome: -1613.0000 currencyID: 1
units: 1000000 currency: EUR

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021
cash: 1331.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 9644.0000
liabilities: 6494.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 3150.0000
sales: 5038.0000
bankLoans: 197.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: -1.0000
netIncome: -31.0000
cashFlow: -269.0000
employees: 26130
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2022
cash: 1087.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 8832.0000
liabilities: 5998.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 2826.0000
sales: 4819.0000
investment: 25.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: -361.0000
netIncome: -444.0000
employees: 23322
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2023
cash: 1146.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 7401.0000
liabilities: 5497.0000
shareCapital: 998.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1899.0000
sales: 3590.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: -1601.0000
netIncome: -1613.0000
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 8832.0000 cash: 1087.0000
currentAssets: 2884.0000 fixedAssets: 5948.0000
liabilities: 2717.0000 nonCurrentLiabilities: 3281.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 8832.0000 provisions: 406.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 2826.0000 employees: 23322
property: 1856.0000 intangibleAssets: 3645.0000
longTermInvestments: 35.0000 inventories: 864.0000
accountsReceivable: 533.0000 accountsPayable: 811.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 5998.0000 longTermDebt: 2635.0000
shortTermDebt: 169.0000 minorityInterests: 7.0000
sales: 4819.0000 netIncome: -444.0000
operatingResult: -161.0000 incomeInterest: -200.0000
investments: 630.0000 incomeTaxes: 82.0000
costGoodsSold: 3561.0000 grossProfit: 1258.0000
minorityInterestsProfit: 1.0000 revenuePerEmployee: 206628.9341
cashFlow: 599.0000 cashFlowInvesting: -183.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -726.0000 accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 31.9973 debtEquityRatio: 212.5265
liquidityI: 40.0074 liquidityII: 59.6246
netMargin: -9.2135 grossMargin: 26.1050
cashFlowMargin: 12.4300 ebitMargin: -3.3409
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: -12.7742
preTaxROA: -4.0874 roe: -15.7113
roa: -5.0272 netIncomeGrowth: 1332.2581
revenuesGrowth: -4.3470 taxExpenseRate: -22.7147
equityTurnover: 1.7052 epsBasic: -1.7000
epsBasicGrowth: 1316.6667 incomeBeforeTaxes: -361.0000
priceCashFlowRatio: 3.3226 bookValuePerShare: 10.3030
marketCap: 1990243015.6800 earningsYield: -23.4289
cashFlowPerShare: 2.1838 netAssetsPerShare: 10.3285
priceBookValueRatio: 0.7043 netEarningsPerShare: -1.6187
currency: EUR
year: 2023 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 7401.0000 cash: 1146.0000
currentAssets: 2620.0000 fixedAssets: 4782.0000
liabilities: 2455.0000 nonCurrentLiabilities: 3042.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 7401.0000 provisions: 279.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1899.0000 property: 1997.0000
intangibleAssets: 2249.0000 longTermInvestments: 33.0000
inventories: 716.0000 accountsReceivable: 470.0000
accountsPayable: 572.0000 liabilitiesTotal: 5497.0000
longTermDebt: 2136.0000 shortTermDebt: 322.0000
minorityInterests: 6.0000 commonStock: 998.0000
sales: 3590.0000 netIncome: -1613.0000
operatingResult: -1430.0000 investments: 480.0000
incomeTaxes: 12.0000 costGoodsSold: 2750.0000
grossProfit: 840.0000 minorityInterestsProfit: 1.0000
cashFlow: 674.0000 cashFlowInvesting: -826.0000
cashFlowFinancing: 245.0000 accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 25.6587 debtEquityRatio: 289.7314
liquidityI: 46.6802 liquidityII: 65.8248
netMargin: -44.9304 grossMargin: 23.3983
cashFlowMargin: 18.7744 ebitMargin: -39.8329
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: -84.3075
preTaxROA: -21.6322 roe: -84.9394
roa: -21.7944 netIncomeGrowth: 263.2883
revenuesGrowth: -25.5032 taxExpenseRate: -0.7495
equityTurnover: 1.8905 epsBasic: -5.2000
epsBasicGrowth: 205.8824 shareCapital: 998.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: -1601.0000 priceCashFlowRatio: 3.4664
bookValuePerShare: 1.9020 marketCap: 2336358824.2800
earningsYield: -222.2222 cashFlowPerShare: 0.6751
netAssetsPerShare: 1.9080 priceBookValueRatio: 1.2303
netEarningsPerShare: -1.6155 currency: EUR
year: 2024 priceCashFlowRatio: 1.8922
bookValuePerShare: 1.9020 marketCap: 1261422254.7935
earningsYield: -407.0894 pegRatio: -0.0012
cashFlowPerShare: 0.6751 netAssetsPerShare: 1.9020
priceBookValueRatio: 0.6716 netEarningsPerShare: -1.6155
currency: EUR

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 8832.0000
cash: 1087.0000
currentAssets: 2884.0000
fixedAssets: 5948.0000
liabilities: 2717.0000
nonCurrentLiabilities: 3281.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 8832.0000
provisions: 406.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 2826.0000
employees: 23322
property: 1856.0000
intangibleAssets: 3645.0000
longTermInvestments: 35.0000
inventories: 864.0000
accountsReceivable: 533.0000
accountsPayable: 811.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 5998.0000
longTermDebt: 2635.0000
shortTermDebt: 169.0000
minorityInterests: 7.0000
sales: 4819.0000
netIncome: -444.0000
operatingResult: -161.0000
incomeInterest: -200.0000
investments: 630.0000
incomeTaxes: 82.0000
costGoodsSold: 3561.0000
grossProfit: 1258.0000
minorityInterestsProfit: 1.0000
revenuePerEmployee: 206628.9341
cashFlow: 599.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -183.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -726.0000
accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 31.9973
debtEquityRatio: 212.5265
liquidityI: 40.0074
liquidityII: 59.6246
netMargin: -9.2135
grossMargin: 26.1050
cashFlowMargin: 12.4300
ebitMargin: -3.3409
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: -12.7742
preTaxROA: -4.0874
roe: -15.7113
roa: -5.0272
netIncomeGrowth: 1332.2581
revenuesGrowth: -4.3470
taxExpenseRate: -22.7147
equityTurnover: 1.7052
epsBasic: -1.7000
epsBasicGrowth: 1316.6667
incomeBeforeTaxes: -361.0000
priceCashFlowRatio: 3.3226
bookValuePerShare: 10.3030
marketCap: 1990243015.6800
earningsYield: -23.4289
cashFlowPerShare: 2.1838
netAssetsPerShare: 10.3285
priceBookValueRatio: 0.7043
netEarningsPerShare: -1.6187
currency: EUR
year: 2023
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 7401.0000
cash: 1146.0000
currentAssets: 2620.0000
fixedAssets: 4782.0000
liabilities: 2455.0000
nonCurrentLiabilities: 3042.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 7401.0000
provisions: 279.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1899.0000
property: 1997.0000
intangibleAssets: 2249.0000
longTermInvestments: 33.0000
inventories: 716.0000
accountsReceivable: 470.0000
accountsPayable: 572.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 5497.0000
longTermDebt: 2136.0000
shortTermDebt: 322.0000
minorityInterests: 6.0000
commonStock: 998.0000
sales: 3590.0000
netIncome: -1613.0000
operatingResult: -1430.0000
investments: 480.0000
incomeTaxes: 12.0000
costGoodsSold: 2750.0000
grossProfit: 840.0000
minorityInterestsProfit: 1.0000
cashFlow: 674.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -826.0000
cashFlowFinancing: 245.0000
accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 25.6587
debtEquityRatio: 289.7314
liquidityI: 46.6802
liquidityII: 65.8248
netMargin: -44.9304
grossMargin: 23.3983
cashFlowMargin: 18.7744
ebitMargin: -39.8329
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: -84.3075
preTaxROA: -21.6322
roe: -84.9394
roa: -21.7944
netIncomeGrowth: 263.2883
revenuesGrowth: -25.5032
taxExpenseRate: -0.7495
equityTurnover: 1.8905
epsBasic: -5.2000
epsBasicGrowth: 205.8824
shareCapital: 998.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: -1601.0000
priceCashFlowRatio: 3.4664
bookValuePerShare: 1.9020
marketCap: 2336358824.2800
earningsYield: -222.2222
cashFlowPerShare: 0.6751
netAssetsPerShare: 1.9080
priceBookValueRatio: 1.2303
netEarningsPerShare: -1.6155
currency: EUR
year: 2024
priceCashFlowRatio: 1.8922
bookValuePerShare: 1.9020
marketCap: 1261422254.7935
earningsYield: -407.0894
pegRatio: -0.0012
cashFlowPerShare: 0.6751
netAssetsPerShare: 1.9020
priceBookValueRatio: 0.6716
netEarningsPerShare: -1.6155
currency: EUR