18,50 EUR -0,40 (-2,12%)
Bid 18,50 EUR
Ask 19,00 EUR



Die Addiko Bank ist eine österreichische Bankengruppe, die sich auf die Bereitstellung von Bankprodukten und -dienstleistungen für Verbraucher und kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) in Zentral- und Südosteuropa (CSEE) konzentriert. Die Gruppe besteht aus der Addiko Bank AG, der voll lizenzierten österreichischen Mutterbank mit Sitz in Wien, Österreich, die an der Wiener Börse notiert und von der österreichischen Finanzmarktaufsicht und der Europäischen Zentralbank beaufsichtigt wird, sowie aus sechs Tochterbanken, die in fünf CSEE-Ländern registriert, lizenziert und tätig sind: Kroatien, Slowenien, Bosnien und Herzegowina (wo sie über zwei Banken tätig ist), Serbien und Montenegro.


endOfFinancialYear: 31.12.2022 01:00
stockholderStructure: Infenity Management Limited (9.99%),DDM INVEST III AG (9.9%),Wellington Management Group LLP (8.85%),European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (8.4%),Dr. Jelitzka + Partner Gesellschaft für Immobillienberatung und verwertung GmbH (6.99%),WINEGG Realitäten GmbH (6.84%),Brandes Investment Partners L.P. (5.07%),MW Funds PTE.LTD (5%),RWC Asset Management LLP-UK (4.93%),Management and Supervisory board (0.29%)
sharesOutstanding: 19287142.0000
ceo: Herbert Juranek
board: Edgar Flaggl, Tadej Krašovec, Ganesh Krishnamoorthi
supervisoryBoard: Kurt Pribil, Johannes Proksch , Sava Ivanov Dalbokov, Frank Schwab, Monika Wildner, Thomas Wieser , Christian Lobner
countryID: 1
freeFloat: 52.9000
sectorName: Banken
industryName: Finanzdienstleister
subsectorName: Banken
country: Österreich
countryName: Österreich


name: Constantin Gussich
phone: +43 664 884 268 31


street: Canetti Tower, Canettistraße 5/12.OG
city: A-1100 Vienna

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021 cash: 1361.7000
balanceSheetTotal: 5842.3000 liabilities: 5037.2000
totalShareholdersEquity: 805.1000 sales: 247.8000
investment: 187.7000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 20.8000
netIncome: 13.6000 employees: 2475
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2022 cash: 1382.9000
balanceSheetTotal: 5996.4000 liabilities: 5250.1000
totalShareholdersEquity: 746.3000 sales: 254.8000
investment: 195.2000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 31.2000
netIncome: 25.7000 employees: 2444
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2023 cash: 1254.5000
balanceSheetTotal: 6151.5000 liabilities: 5350.4000
totalShareholdersEquity: 801.1000 sales: 295.1000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 47.4000 netIncome: 41.1000
employees: 2562 currencyID: 1
units: 1000000 currency: EUR

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021
cash: 1361.7000
balanceSheetTotal: 5842.3000
liabilities: 5037.2000
totalShareholdersEquity: 805.1000
sales: 247.8000
investment: 187.7000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 20.8000
netIncome: 13.6000
employees: 2475
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2022
cash: 1382.9000
balanceSheetTotal: 5996.4000
liabilities: 5250.1000
totalShareholdersEquity: 746.3000
sales: 254.8000
investment: 195.2000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 31.2000
netIncome: 25.7000
employees: 2444
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2023
cash: 1254.5000
balanceSheetTotal: 6151.5000
liabilities: 5350.4000
totalShareholdersEquity: 801.1000
sales: 295.1000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 47.4000
netIncome: 41.1000
employees: 2562
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 5996.4000 cash: 1382.9000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 5996.4000 provisions: 83.4000
totalShareholdersEquity: 746.3000 employees: 2444
property: 57.3000 intangibleAssets: 24.5000
liabilitiesTotal: 5250.1000 minorityInterests: 0.0000
sales: 254.8000 depreciation: 17.4000
netIncome: 25.7000 operatingResult: 241.6000
incomeInterest: 176.5000 incomeTaxes: 5.5000
minorityInterestsProfit: 0.0000 revenuePerEmployee: 104255.3191
cashFlow: 29.3000 cashFlowInvesting: -0.8000
cashFlowFinancing: -6.7000 accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 12.4458 debtEquityRatio: 703.4839
netMargin: 10.0863 cashFlowMargin: 11.4992
ebitMargin: 94.8195 ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 4.1806 preTaxROA: 0.5203
roe: 3.4437 roa: 0.4286
netIncomeGrowth: 88.9706 revenuesGrowth: 2.8249
taxExpenseRate: 17.6282 equityTurnover: 0.3414
epsBasic: 1.3200 epsBasicGrowth: 88.5714
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 9.5833 priceCashFlowRatio: 8.4043
dividendYield: 9.5652 bookValuePerShare: 38.3385
marketCap: 246245924.6500 earningsYield: 10.4348
pegRatio: 0.1082 cashFlowPerShare: 1.5052
netAssetsPerShare: 38.3385 priceBookValueRatio: 0.3300
dividendsPerShare: 1.2100 priceEarningsRatio: 9.5816
netEarningsPerShare: 1.3202 currency: EUR
year: 2023 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 6151.5000 cash: 1254.5000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 6151.5000 provisions: 99.2000
totalShareholdersEquity: 801.1000 employees: 2562
property: 57.6000 intangibleAssets: 23.3000
liabilitiesTotal: 5350.4000 minorityInterests: 0.0000
sales: 295.1000 depreciation: 17.3000
netIncome: 41.1000 operatingResult: 103.9000
incomeTaxes: 6.3000 minorityInterestsProfit: 0.0000
revenuePerEmployee: 115183.4504 cashFlow: 174.7000
cashFlowInvesting: -271.7000 cashFlowFinancing: -31.6000
accountingStandard: IFRS equityRatio: 13.0228
debtEquityRatio: 667.8817 netMargin: 13.9275
cashFlowMargin: 59.2003 ebitMargin: 35.2084
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: 5.9169
preTaxROA: 0.7705 roe: 5.1304
roa: 0.6681 netIncomeGrowth: 59.9222
revenuesGrowth: 15.8163 taxExpenseRate: 13.2911
equityTurnover: 0.3684 epsBasic: 2.1200
epsBasicGrowth: 60.6061 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 6.2972
priceCashFlowRatio: 1.4774 dividendYield: 9.4382
bookValuePerShare: 41.4367 marketCap: 258097098.6000
earningsYield: 15.8801 pegRatio: 0.1039
cashFlowPerShare: 9.0363 netAssetsPerShare: 41.4367
priceBookValueRatio: 0.3222 dividendsPerShare: 1.2600
priceEarningsRatio: 6.2797 netEarningsPerShare: 2.1259
currency: EUR
year: 2024 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 8.7972
priceCashFlowRatio: 2.0639 dividendYield: 6.7560
bookValuePerShare: 41.4367 marketCap: 360562606.0244
earningsYield: 11.3673 pegRatio: 0.1452
cashFlowPerShare: 9.0363 netAssetsPerShare: 41.4367
priceBookValueRatio: 0.4501 priceEarningsRatio: 8.7728
netEarningsPerShare: 2.1259 currency: EUR

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 5996.4000
cash: 1382.9000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 5996.4000
provisions: 83.4000
totalShareholdersEquity: 746.3000
employees: 2444
property: 57.3000
intangibleAssets: 24.5000
liabilitiesTotal: 5250.1000
minorityInterests: 0.0000
sales: 254.8000
depreciation: 17.4000
netIncome: 25.7000
operatingResult: 241.6000
incomeInterest: 176.5000
incomeTaxes: 5.5000
minorityInterestsProfit: 0.0000
revenuePerEmployee: 104255.3191
cashFlow: 29.3000
cashFlowInvesting: -0.8000
cashFlowFinancing: -6.7000
accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 12.4458
debtEquityRatio: 703.4839
netMargin: 10.0863
cashFlowMargin: 11.4992
ebitMargin: 94.8195
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 4.1806
preTaxROA: 0.5203
roe: 3.4437
roa: 0.4286
netIncomeGrowth: 88.9706
revenuesGrowth: 2.8249
taxExpenseRate: 17.6282
equityTurnover: 0.3414
epsBasic: 1.3200
epsBasicGrowth: 88.5714
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 9.5833
priceCashFlowRatio: 8.4043
dividendYield: 9.5652
bookValuePerShare: 38.3385
marketCap: 246245924.6500
earningsYield: 10.4348
pegRatio: 0.1082
cashFlowPerShare: 1.5052
netAssetsPerShare: 38.3385
priceBookValueRatio: 0.3300
dividendsPerShare: 1.2100
priceEarningsRatio: 9.5816
netEarningsPerShare: 1.3202
currency: EUR
year: 2023
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 6151.5000
cash: 1254.5000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 6151.5000
provisions: 99.2000
totalShareholdersEquity: 801.1000
employees: 2562
property: 57.6000
intangibleAssets: 23.3000
liabilitiesTotal: 5350.4000
minorityInterests: 0.0000
sales: 295.1000
depreciation: 17.3000
netIncome: 41.1000
operatingResult: 103.9000
incomeTaxes: 6.3000
minorityInterestsProfit: 0.0000
revenuePerEmployee: 115183.4504
cashFlow: 174.7000
cashFlowInvesting: -271.7000
cashFlowFinancing: -31.6000
accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 13.0228
debtEquityRatio: 667.8817
netMargin: 13.9275
cashFlowMargin: 59.2003
ebitMargin: 35.2084
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 5.9169
preTaxROA: 0.7705
roe: 5.1304
roa: 0.6681
netIncomeGrowth: 59.9222
revenuesGrowth: 15.8163
taxExpenseRate: 13.2911
equityTurnover: 0.3684
epsBasic: 2.1200
epsBasicGrowth: 60.6061
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 6.2972
priceCashFlowRatio: 1.4774
dividendYield: 9.4382
bookValuePerShare: 41.4367
marketCap: 258097098.6000
earningsYield: 15.8801
pegRatio: 0.1039
cashFlowPerShare: 9.0363
netAssetsPerShare: 41.4367
priceBookValueRatio: 0.3222
dividendsPerShare: 1.2600
priceEarningsRatio: 6.2797
netEarningsPerShare: 2.1259
currency: EUR
year: 2024
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 8.7972
priceCashFlowRatio: 2.0639
dividendYield: 6.7560
bookValuePerShare: 41.4367
marketCap: 360562606.0244
earningsYield: 11.3673
pegRatio: 0.1452
cashFlowPerShare: 9.0363
netAssetsPerShare: 41.4367
priceBookValueRatio: 0.4501
priceEarningsRatio: 8.7728
netEarningsPerShare: 2.1259
currency: EUR